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We’ve all heard how powerful social media is… But do you know how it works?

Essentially, when you use social media to interact with HHCharities, it allows that activity to be seen by others in your network. Then they are able to see it, share it with everyone in their network, and so on. Before you know it, the reach of our messages and mission can grow exponentially.

So every time you “like”, follow, comment, and share content related to HHCharities, you enable many more people to learn about HHCharities and our life-saving mission!


​It only takes a spark… to help good messages go viral! Here are a few of the easy ways you can help to spread the HHCharities message:

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18383 Preston Rd. #202

Dallas, TX 75252-5487

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We are a 501(c)(3)Tax Exempt Organization EIN: 20-5618632

©2006 Humanitarian Hands Charities.

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